Oct 18, 2013
John: Hi Liz, are you still playing with that thing?
Liz: Oh yes, hi John. I'm still getting used to my new iPhone. I'm getting to know the apps really well.
John: I can see that. I was standing next to you for 5 minutes before you looked up.
Liz: Oh gosh, sorry! It's just so fascinating. I actually missed the bus yesterday because I wasn't paying attention.
John: Well, at least you weren't waiting to catch a plane!
Liz: Ha! Yes! It's absorbing a lot of my time at the moment. But, once I get used to it, I'm sure I'll be back to normal.
John: Sure, it takes a while to get used to new technology. How are you liking the bigger bill?
Liz: Not much. But I suppose you get what you pay for. Why do they make cell phone bills so complicated: data, minutes, plans, taxes, surcharges? It's more confusing than my Science teacher!
John: I know. I just pay the bill, and hope that they're being honest.
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