Oct 30, 2019
Come with me, for a walk around my October garden. This day has a touch of magic, so I must be in it; I don't want to miss it. For a few minutes we can put the busyness aside(1), and step out into a world of calm and color. While we have been so occupied with the things of life, the worries, the obligations, the plans,...
Oct 21, 2019
Is there a certain food that
makes your mouth water? A few of my favorites are: curry, lasagne,
pad Thai, and sushi. We are lucky enough to have a few sushi
restaurants here in Wenatchee now. It took a while to get them!
They are proving to be really popular. To satisfy the American
palate(1), they serve hot food as...
Oct 10, 2019
The phrases: climate strike, greenhouse gases, and global warming should be familiar with anyone who listens to the news. And now with the help of social media, young people are becoming aware of the science behind how human activity affects the world.
"Mum, can you excuse me from P.E please? I want to take part...